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Existing Clients

Once the New Client Consultation has been completed, follow-up scheduling is done via the online client portal.​


Follow-up consultations provide the opportunity to discuss progress, revise dietary and supplement recommendations, review new laboratory test results, and adjust recommendations based on current status and new information. The clients who work with us the longest tend to have the most significant success in achieving lifelong change and overall quality of life.

Established Client
Packages & Sessions

Our packages and follow-up sessions all include an in-depth review of your health history, Zoom consultation(s), and a comprehensive, individualized plan (with updates). Any session or package will be customized based on client goals and can be for an individual going through a cancer journey, in survivorship, looking for prevention, or general health and metabolic optimization.​

Woman Meditating Outdoors

Additional Programs & Services

We find our clients make the biggest improvements when they optimize their terrain beyond nutrition. We offer (and partner with) additional programs that help optimize the mind, body, and spirit. 

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